Overlooked Daily Work Practices for Maintaining Kitchen Cleaning Standards in Restaurants

Maintaining a clean and safe kitchen environment is essential for any restaurant. However, some daily work practices that are crucial for maintaining kitchen cleaning standards are often overlooked. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most overlooked daily work practices and provide tips and strategies for ensuring that your staff is following them.

  1. Proper Storage of Cleaning Supplies

Proper storage of cleaning supplies is crucial for preventing contamination and ensuring that your staff has access to the necessary cleaning materials. Make sure that cleaning supplies are stored in a clean and dry area, away from food and other kitchen equipment.

Consider using colour-coded cleaning materials to prevent cross-contamination. For example, use green cloths for cleaning tables and red cloths for cleaning high-risk areas like toilets and urinals.

  1. Regular Cleaning of High-Touch Surfaces

High-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and handles are often overlooked when it comes to maintaining kitchen cleaning standards. However, these surfaces can harbour harmful bacteria and viruses.

Make sure that your staff cleans these surfaces regularly, using a disinfectant cleaner. Consider using disposable wipes or cloths to prevent cross-contamination.

  1. Cleaning of Kitchen Equipment After Each Use

Cleaning kitchen equipment after each use is essential for preventing the build-up of grease and other flammable materials. However, some staff members may overlook this step or not clean the equipment thoroughly enough.

Make sure that your staff follows a standard cleaning procedure after each use of kitchen equipment. Consider providing training on how to clean each piece of equipment properly and thoroughly.

  1. Proper Handling and Disposal of Waste

Proper handling and disposal of waste are essential for maintaining a clean and safe kitchen environment. Make sure that your staff follows proper waste handling and disposal procedures, including separating recyclables, compostables, and non-recyclables.

Consider providing training on how to handle and dispose of waste properly. Make sure that your staff knows where to dispose of waste and how to use the waste management equipment.

At Commercial Deep Clean, we understand the importance of maintaining kitchen cleaning standards in restaurants. That’s why we offer a range of cleaning services, including regular cleaning of kitchen equipment, ductwork, and extraction systems.

Investing in regular cleaning services can help ensure that your restaurant kitchen is clean and safe for your staff and customers. Follow these overlooked daily work practices to help maintain kitchen cleaning standards and contact Commercial Deep Clean today to learn more about our cleaning services.

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